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Bon appetit: Healthy and delicious recipes for losing weight

Off to the kitchen with you! Because there are so many healthy foods that are happy to land on your plate. But you lack the necessary ideas? No problem! Today we present healthy and delicious dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which are quickly prepared and figure-friendly. On the wooden spoons, ready, go ...   We are hungry, hungry, hungry ... The stomach growls, the wonderfully scented croissant from the bakery is within reach in the morning and the pizza is ready in the freezer for the end of the day. For lunch break there is a quick currywurst fries or a burger to go. It doesn't sound healthy! You wanted to keep an eye on your diet from morning...

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Calorie-conscious make purchases: The Ernährungs 1x1 for your everyday life

At the supermarket you will kill formally from food: Products about products – only are healthy of it and do not affect equally negatively your figure? The TK pizza and the lemonade probably do not belong to it rather. But always only fruit and vegetables shop? Today we simply saunter sometimes with you together ideally by the supermarket and buy calorie-conscious a few delicacies for you and your figure.   From in the basket Do you belong to everyday „I go once briefly to the supermarket“ for-Shoppern which wanted to buy only five things and come, however, with ten again home? Or do you buy once the week largely and do know exactly which food you will eat when? All...

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Now start: lose weight through Sport

You're a sports fan or a sports person? If you Slimming want to, then it should be in addition to a healthy diet and activity on your agenda. But which sports are most effective and what you should eat after a workout to give your body the optimal nutrients? We tell you today! Let's get started... every beginning is difficult – also in terms of Sport. Because we know that it can be quite motivating to be pretty hard to workout and stay permanently off.  But no matter whether you're young or old, thin or overweight: Everyone should exercise, because Sport is not only good for your figure, but also for your cardiovascular system, your muscles and your mood. It...

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Hello, dream figure! The parliamentary pay check

You would like to decrease? Then warm welcome to the club! However, with which diet you get closer to your dream figure a little piece? Maybe with Paleo, the Dukan diet or Low Carb food? We introduce 10 popular methods of the decreasing to you and explain the advantages and disadvantages. So, on the scales, ready, off! In the parliamentary pay jungle Low Carb-, Paleo-, Dukan-or Glyx diet: There are hundreds of methods to reach the desirable weight. However, which suits for you? It is clear: Decreasing functions only if your body burns more energy than he with the food takes up. However, for your state of health it is important which is supplied your body also during a diet...

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Wie du deinen Stoffwechsel anregst

Er schenkt dir Energie, die wir zum Atmen und Laufen brauchen. Doch beim Abnehmen frustriert er uns manchmal ganz schön – der liebe Stoffwechsel. Doch was ist der Stoffwechsel überhaupt, was bringt ihn auf Trab und wie regst du dabei deine Fettverbrennung an? Wir klären auf!   Stoffwechsel – wer bist du? Wenn du an deinen Stoffwechsel denkst, bist du wahrscheinlich gedanklich automatisch auch bei deiner Verdauung. Das ist nicht komplett falsch, allerdings ist die Verdauung nur ein Teil des umfassenden Systems. Der Stoffwechsel wird medizinisch als Metabolismus bezeichnet und setzt sich aus Glukose-, Eiweiß- und Fettstoffwechsel zusammen. Er umfasst alle biochemischen Prozesse und Abläufe in jeder deiner einzelnen Zellen. Dazu gehört zum Beispiel Nahrung aufschlüsseln, Energie bereitstellen oder Abfallstoffe...

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