For the world of health, beauty and vitality a high quality program.
Sanhelios offers an extensive selection of special vital products for all those who are healthy, attractive and efficient.
Since 1925, Sanhelios has been producing natural medicines and food supplements in Germany according to the latest scientific findings. The high-quality products are laboratory-proven, easy to dose and easy to use.
Our top sellers

From the pharmacy - for man. Quality and tradition in harmony with conscious action and sustainability
The most important thing is health. This everyday wisdom is also the guiding principle of Sanhelios. Because health is the prerequisite for an active life and good looks. The effectiveness and practicality of our products are equally important. Not only since yesterday, but for many decades, in which we were able to further research and develop our medical and naturopathic knowledge.
Close to people's demands
With the advancing technological development of society, not only the needs of people changed, but consequently also the requirements for modern medicine, nutrition and food education changed. Thanks to the intensive orientation towards new nutrition and health habits, Sanhelios has been concentrating on the maßtailor-made development of high-quality food products since the 1990s. Close to the individual approaches of the consumers and in the tradition of Sanhelios. So it is proud to say that we at Sanhelios are the pioneers of food education with almost 100 years of experience.

Competence from Germany for almost 100 years
In 1925, the pharmacist Hermann F. Börner founded the "Sanhelios pharmaceutical factory" in Berlin Schöneberg. In the Naumannstraße 81, Börner developed the world's first odourless Sanhelios 333 garlic drops – a top seller for decades was born. Until the war, the Phänomen of the garlic drops was largely limited to Berlin. That changed when Friedrich F. Börner, the son of Herrmann F. Börner, rebuilt the völlig zerstörte factory on his own. "Sanhelios 333" was quickly in "all the mouths" nationwide.
Our high-quality food supplements still combine experience and ethical values with the current findings of modern research. In addition to our tradition, we are also aware of our responsibility for the planet and future generations. For this reason, our products are exclusively manufactured in Germany according to the most modern standards of science and sustainability. Sanhelios stands for Qualityät, sustainability and customer satisfaction made in Germany.
For the joy of life - our health blog
Menopause – is relaxing by the menopause
The goal of our products – from Vitamin D3 complex, üabout MSM intens, OPC, F-BRN, Hyaluronsäure, Omega 3 with salmonöl to collagen – is the improvement and maintenance of health, well-being and health. In doing so, we combine traditional, natural values with the current findings of modern medicine and science.