Let's go - Hello Health!
If you ask people on the street or in your personal environment what is most important in their lives, health is almost certainly always the top priority.
And yet many think it is natural to be healthy. Until that suddenly changes.
In this context, everyday questions often arise: How do I eat optimally? What contributes to my well-being? How do I manage to stay fit despite everyday office life or how do I overcome this inner pig dog, which always tells me "stay on the sofa"?
And precisely because our health is so diverse, complex and exciting, we will now share our insights, knowledge and thoughts on them here with you.
In the coming weeks and months, a variety of articles and contributions from Sanhelios colleagues, scientists, yoga and Pilates trainers and much more await you here.
If you have any requests for topics, questions or suggestions, please let us receive them.
We are happy!
See you
your Sanhelios team
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