- kills the nail fungus in 20 seconds
- is hygienic and easy to use
- has a scientifically proven effect
- has a pantented active substance
- prevents the infection of other nails
- is also suitable for diabetics
- is available in a 10ml large pack

Nail fungus, control and prevention
What is nail fungus?
Nail fungus, also known by doctors as onychomycosis (from Onycho = nail, mycosis = fungal disease) is a fungal infection of the nails and is usually caused by thread fungi.
Mushrooms, called dermatophytes, find almost ideal living conditions on the body surface. Because they're after keratin, the horn substance in skin, hair and nails.
In addition, moisture and heat favour infection with thread fungi. Nail fungus is very common due to a foot fungal disease that spreads to the nails. The entrance fort is usually the nail bed in the area of the free nail edge. However, a direct infection of the nails is also possible. The infection usually occurs in public baths, saunas, fitness studios or showers and changing rooms of sports facilities where many people walk barefoot.
If the affected nail is not treated properly, there is a risk that the fungus will completely destroy it and also attack the neighbouring nails.
How do you apply Sanhelio's nail polish properly?
The Sanhelio nail cure solution should be applied to the affected nail twice daily.
The best way to do this is:
- Please clean your foot/toe before using the product. If the affected nail is not clean, the solution cannot be drawn in properly.
- Apply the solution directly to the entire affected nail. Make sure the whole nail is wet with the solution. It is not necessary to remove the nail before applying the solution.
- The Sanhelio nail cure solution quickly draws into the nail. Please make sure the solution is fully drawn in before you put the foot back on.

How to prevent nail fungus properly.
The following tips can help to avoid a fungal infection of the nails:
- Do not walk barefoot in public facilities (saunas, swimming pools, hotels, etc.)
- Wash towels, bathmats, socks and bed linen at temperatures above 60oC degree; cook even better
- Wear well matching and comfortable shoes. Just as important as the right fit is a breathable material, so the foot moisture is quickly deduced again.
- Maintain nails regularly
- Diabetics are particularly susceptible to foot and nail fungi, so they should pay particular attention to their feet and regularly check for changes